Dental Clinic | Dental Studio Dr. Dimitrovi
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We are dedicated to the treatment of patients who want to improve or restore their smile and teeth completely without losing time and expecting a high level of service. What distinguishes us from other dental specialists is the individual approach to each patient, the detailed knowledge of all the problems in his or her whole mouth, and patient’s active participation in decision-making about their treatment. We successfully break the myth that dentistry is scary, unpleasant and painful.


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Модерно оборудвана дентална клиника

Модерно оборудвана дентална клиника

Модерно оборудвана дентална клиника

Модерно оборудвана дентална клиника

Модерно оборудвана дентална клиника

Модерно оборудвана дентална клиника


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